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GE Academic Foundations Requirements Pre-2002

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General Education

GE Academic Foundations Requirements Pre-2002

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Students who entered Kean prior to Fall 2002 were required to complete the six GE Core courses listed below, all of which have been discontinued:

ENG 1020   Composition
GE 1100     Emergence of the Modern World
GE 1200     Intellectual and Cultural Traditions of Western Civilization
GE 2020     Inquiry and Research
ENG 2203   Landmarks of World Literature
GE 2400     Science and Technology in the Modern World

Approved Course Substitutions for Discontinued GE Core Courses

Discontinued Course

Approved Substitute Course(s)


ENG 1020 (Composition)


ENG 1030 (College Composition)


ENG 1400 (Writing in English II)
(ESL Equivalent of ENG 1020)


ENG 1430 (College Composition for  Non-Native Speakers II)


GE 1100

(Emergence of the Modern World)

ANTH 1800 (Cultural Anthropology)
HIST 1000 (History of Civil Society in America)
PHIL 1100 (Introduction to Philosophy)
PS 1010 (Introduction to Politics)
PS 2300 (Introduction to Comparative Politics)
PS 2400 (Introduction to International Relations)
REL 2702 (Western Religion)
SOC 1000 (Introduction to Sociology)
SOC 2500 (Introduction to Global Studies)


GE 1200

(Intellectual and Cultural Traditions)

AH 1700 (Art from PreHistory through the Middle Ages)
AH 1701 (Art from Renaissance to the Modern World)
FA 1000 (Introduction to Art)
FA 2950 (Creative Concepts in Arts & Crafts)
ID 3230 (Understanding Images)
MUS 1000 (Music Survey)
THE 1000 (Introduction to Theatre)
THE 3710 (World Theatre I)
THE 3720 (World Theatre II)


GE 2020 (Inquiry and Research)


GE 2021 or 2022 or 2023 or 2024 or 2025 or 2026
(Research and Technology).


ENG 1403 (Investigative Skills)
(ESL equivalent of GE 2020)


Designated ESL (“L”) sections of GE 2026 (Research and Technology)


ENG 2203 (Landmarks of World Literature)


ENG 2403 (World Literature)


GE 2400  (Science and Technology in the Modern World)

Non-Laboratory Courses:
CHEM 1200 (Chemistry in Your World)
ES 1000 (Observing the Earth)
ID 1400 (Technology & Info Systems in Modern Society)
Laboratory Courses:
ASTR 1100 (Introduction to Astronomy)
BIO 1000 (Principles of Biology)
CHEM 1010 (Preparatory Chemistry)
CHEM 1030 (Essentials of Chemistry)
CHEM 1083 (Chemistry I)
CHEM 1084 (Chemistry II)
GEOL 1200 (Introduction to Geology)
METR 1300 (Introduction to Meteorology)
PHYS 2091 (General Physics I)
PHYS 2092 (General Physics II)
PHYS 2095 (Physics I)
PHYS 2096 (Physics II)

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