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Student Organizations

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School of Communication, Media & Journalism

Student Organizations


Students in communication are frequently asked by friends and family about what they can do with their degrees. The Communication Club at Kean helps students answer this question. The Club brings in a variety of speakers each semester who discuss how they use communication skills in their careers. The Club focuses on highlighting the numerous career opportunities that students have with a degree in communication studies. The Club also helps students make the connection between the theory and research that is discussed in their classes with future potential job opportunities.

Recent speakers have been in the areas of advertising, corporate training and consulting, human resources, journalism, public relations, the FBI, non-profit agencies, university foundations, event planning, media management, politics, mediation and negotiation, and speech writing.

Club events are open to all communication majors, minors and others who are interested in communication. For more information about the club activities, contact Dr. Jack Sargent, 908.737.0467, or


Lambda Pi Eta is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA). As a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), LPH has over 400 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities worldwide.

LPH was founded in 1985 at the University of Arkansas. LPH became a part of the National Communication Association (NCA) in 1988, and the official honor society of the NCA in July 1995.

LPH represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three ingredients of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics.


  1. Recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies
  2. Stimulate interest in the field of communication
  3. Promote and encourage professional development among communication majors
  4. Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication
  5. Establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and student
  6. Explore options for graduate education in communication studies

Minimum 3.3 GPA is required.


Name: National Broadcasting Society
Honor society: AERho (Alpha Epsilon Rho
Web site:

Student Membership:

Individuals show a demonstrated interest in the field of electronic media (including web/internet technologies and new media, broadcasting, mass communication, radio, television, cable, and/or film). Student members are affiliated with chapters found on college and university campuses or members of the national chapter when there is no existing collegiate chapter. Specific membership qualifications can be found on the Alpha Epsilon Rho application form.

Lifetime due for current NBS members: $15
Lifetime due for non-NBS members: $100
Honor cord: $15 
Qualification: Minimum GPA: 3.25


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